In the Garage

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  • 30 December 2018

    Migrating from Blogger to Jekyll + GitHub Pages

    After getting back from Shanghai in 2016, my blog sort of died and with good reason: Iwas kind of embarrassed about what it looked like. Having started this blog in 2005, I chose to host it on Blogger, which at the time, seemed like a great choice...

  • 20 April 2016

    Studying for the HSK

    I realize that I haven't written since the end of February, but I've actually got very good reason -- I've been studying my tail off for the official Chinese language test, the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi 汉语水平考试, better known as the HSK. Although my tim...

  • 22 February 2016

    Reflections on a Year Abroad...again.

    It's been almost two months since I left China, but I haven't had time to sit down and really write anything meaningful. To sum up the last two months really quickly, Christian and I left China the day after Christmas because his visa expired on D...

  • 06 December 2015

    Going to the Movies in China

    A few years ago, I wrote a blog post about going to the movies in Germany. I lamented at the fact that there are breaks for long movies and that people don't audibly react whatever they're watching. I also mentioned the fact that movies are either...

  • 08 November 2015

    A Minority Becoming Part of the Majority

    It's been awhile since I last wrote anything, and there have been times where I thought, "I should write about that." But one particular topic that has come up time and again is my relationship to identity. Being someone that went to a liberal art...